Scarboro Scorcher
November 7, 2020
PDGA C-Tier Tournament
2 rounds
Check in 8am-9am
Players Meeting 9:15 am
Start 9:30 am
Format: Singles. 2 rounds of 18 holes each. First round from the Blue tees and second round from the red tees. (Rec & Junior plays both rounds from the red tees)
Pro Mixed Open $45
Pro Mixed Age Protected $40
Pro Women $35
Amateur Mixed MA1 and age protected divisions $35
Amateur Mixed MA2/MA3/MA4 $30
All Amateur Women divisions $25
All Junior Divisions $25
$10 additional fee for non current PDGA members (except Juniors)
TD may choose to limit divisions based on registrations. Players may be moved to the next closest eligible division.
Players Pack (Ams Only): custom stamped disc
Daddy Disc Golf will be handling am payouts. Winners will receive vouchers to redeem online.
Please come prepared with your own supply of food and water.
Tournament Directors: Steve Campbell and Dave Dietz